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M/F: Female
DoB: April 2021
Adult size: Medium
Admitted to PAWS: November 2021

Aisha and her brother Jemal were found together and initially spent some time in a foster home waiting for a space to be available at PAWS. When they came to the shelter, they were both very scared and warned people off with a growl. As time has passed, they thawed out and are now more appreciative of attention.

They are typical young dogs - energetic & playful. They have had no training to date and so will benefit form training classes to give them a good grounding in listening and obeying commands. Both are pretty good on the leash and enjoy a walk.

Other than the short time in foster, Aisha does not know what it is to be in a home. She was abandoned far too young to have learnt anything, so you will need to start from scratch. But Aisha is a bright little thing who seems willing to please and will soon learn.

Already having a playful dog in the home would be a bonus (but not a necessity) to give Aisha added confidence and a friend with whom to let off some steam.

If you like the sound of AISHA then please contact colleenatpaws@outlook.com or send PAWS Dog Shelter, Paphos, Cyprus a private message (please include your email address in the message), or come to the shelter to see her.


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