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M/F: Male
DoB: April 2021
Adult size: Large
Admitted to PAWS: November 2021

Shoulder height: approx. 54 cm.
Height to the head: approx. 65 cm
Length: approx. 85 cm

M/F: Male
DoB: April 2021
Adult size: Large
Admitted to PAWS: November 2021

Bonito turned up on someone's doorstep one day. Several hours later, he was still there. The people went out, came home... he was still there. So, they called us and Bonito came to PAWS.  Right from the moment he turned up he was a friendly chap. Happy to be with the two resident dogs. Happy to play in the garden. It was obvious that he was used to being around people; he showed no fear and was happy to be near them. He just wants people's attention and seeks their closeness. To be honest, the closer he can be, preferably in actual contact, the happier he is.  He doesn't have any concept of his size and so will barge into you for attention. In all likelihood, Bonito was acquired as a guard dog but failed due to this love of people!

He is still only young and has had no training at all and so has very few manners - these will have to be taught.  He is a big, strong dog and will need a strong (but kind) hand, consistent training, and clear rules.  With a little time and patience he will become the perfect family dog, as happy with long walks as with cuddles on the sofa.

If you would like to adopt BONITO or would like more information about him, then please send PAWS a private Facebook message (please include your email address in your message), email colleenatpaws@outlook.com or come to the shelter to meet him.


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Member since 5 years ago
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