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Name: DEC
M/F: Male
DoB: November 2019
Adult size: Large
Admitted to PAWS: May 2022

Shoulder height: ca. 53 cm
Height to head: ca. 63 cm
Length: ca. 80 cm

Dec, and what may be his brother (called Ant, of course), were found in the shelter car park with a third dog. Whether they found their own way there, following the barking of the dogs, or were dumped, we will never know.

Dec is a handsome Pointer. He is much more nervous than his brother and initially very reticent to approach, suggesting that he may not have had good experiences with humans in the past. However, when he decides that you mean no harm, he is happy to come for cuddles.  His confidence is growing all the time and he has started going for walks, which he enjoys.

He is a shy but friendly dog who loves to play and go for a walk.  He has a great personality and will probably get along well with other - preferably non-dominant - dogs. He was already in fairly good condition when he arrived at PAWS, which suggests that he hadn't been roaming for any length of time.

Ant and Dec are typical Cyprus hunting dogs; they have a wonderful temperament even when they may not have been treated well in the past. Both have a lot of energy and so would ideally need to be with active people who can take them for long walks, play with them, and train them in all the things that they need to know with a firm but kind hand.

If you would like to adopt DEC or find out more about him, please contact colleenatpaws@outlook.com or send PAWS Dog Shelter, Paphos, Cyprus a private message (please include your email address in the message), or come to the shelter to see him.

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