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M/F: Male
DoB: November 2021
Adult size: Medium
Admitted to PAWS: February 2023

Shoulder height: ca. 48 cm
Height to head: ca. 58 cm
Length: ca. 75 cm

Now, here is the big question... When will Elvis leave the building?

When he was found, Elvis had almost given up. He was in a bad way and a few more days on his own would probably have been the end for him. Luckily for him he was found in the nick of time and whisked off to the vets where he spent a few days being given the care he desperately needed. When he was well enough he came to PAWS.

Elvis is now FULL of life! He is a happy, full of energy, affectionate let-me-at-it dog. His general exuberance now needs guidance and occupation. He gets bored if he has nothing to do. Training and agility classes would be ideal for him because they will give him something to focus on.

Elvis is not the dog for people who want a quiet life. He needs energetic people who can help use up his energy. If you like running or cross-country walking then Elvis would be the perfect companion for you. If you put the time required into Elvis, he will pay you back in spades.

If you are the energetic family wanting an equally energetic 4-legged companion, then consider allowing ELVIS to join your family. Please email colleenatpaws@outlook.com, or send PAWS a private Facebook message (please include your email address in the message), or come to the shelter to meet him.

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