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Name: FINN
DoB: September 2021
Gender: Male
Adult size: Medium
Admitted: February 2024

When Finn first came to the shelter we soon noticed that he was troubled by an old injury. Following X-rays it was decided to operate to correct the problem. That plus some physiotherapy seem to have sorted him out; he is doing well and shows no sign of the injury.

Now, Finn isn't exactly a 'loves everyone' sort of dog. He is very choosy at to who is 'in' and who is 'out'. He shows his acceptance of a person by barking very loudly at them... or not. Basically, he is telling you to stay away. The barking is made worse if you look at him for too long (as it would for any dog like this).  He doesn't do it from a position of aggression but more from fear of the unknown.  He is reacting to what he thinks might happen. It all probably stems back to the treatment he received earlier in his life.

If you take the time to get to know Finn he is actually a lovely boy.  With patience and the right approach he can be won over; but it may take some time and patience. The physiotherapist overcame his temperament and was able to do the necessary exercises with him trouble-free.

Once he has confidence in you he is playful and sweet.  He's OK with other dogs but, to be honest, can take them or leave them.

If you can be sensitive to Finn's needs and be the caring, understanding people that he needs then please email colleenatpaws@outlook.com for more information, or send PAWS a private Facebook message (please include your email address in the message), or come to the shelter to meet FINN.

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