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Name: LILO
DoB: April 2020
M/F: Female
Adult Size: Medium
Admitted: October 2021

Shoulder height: ca. 45 cm
Height to head: ca. 55 cm
Length: ca. 60 cm

Lilo was brought to us after being found by someone in a local village. Even though she has been with us for quite a while now, she is still an anxious dog, which makes it difficult to get close to her.  She has gained some confidence over the passing months but still shies away from people. She needs a special person to who will accept her insecurity and work with her to overcome it.  What she doesn't need is people who will just let her retreat into herself.  She needs gentle guidance and encouragement. She doesn't show any signs of aggression when she is scared but you can watch her sad eyes dart around for an escape route. We feel that if she could get into a home with calm, caring people, she would gradually relax and grow in confidence.  It would be even better if you already have a calm, confident dog who can show Lilo the way forward.

Might you be the caring, understanding people that she needs and who can make the sadness in her eyes disappear and allow her to see the joys in life?  If you think you are then please email colleenatpaws@outlook.com for more information, or send PAWS a private Facebook message (please include your email address in the message), or come to the shelter to meet LILO.

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