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Name: MIA
M/F: Female
DoB: September 2013
Adult size: Medium
Admitted to PAWS: September 2021

Shoulder height: approx. 45 cm
Height to head: approx. 55 cm
Length: approx. 60 cm

First thing to say about Mia is that she is blind. But don't let that put you off because she copes quite well. Her problems arise because she is in a foster home where there are lots of other dogs and she has a tendency to run into them or jump on them. Mia loves to sit on the sofa but doesn't see when a dog is already there and so lands on top of it - leading to trouble. She means no harm, she just can't see that they other dogs are there - unfortunately, not all of them are forgiving. 

Mia needs a home where she is either an only dog or there is just one fairly calm dog who can accept her handicap.  Mia enjoys her life, likes other dogs and loves people.  She is an older girl who is rather quiet and loves to cuddle.  We need someone who can see how loving she is and has no problem with her blindness.

If you would like to adopt MIA or find out more about her, please contact colleenatpaws@outlook.com or send PAWS Dog Shelter, Paphos, Cyprus a private message (please include your email address in the message), or come to the shelter to see her.


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