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Name: Sheila
M/F: Female
DoB: February 2018
Adult size: Large
Admitted to PAWS: Feb 2021

SHEILA was rescued from the streets of Peyia and kept in a temporary home until we could bring her to the shelter. She is very nervous of people and is going to take time and patience to gain her trust.

Ideally Sheila needs a home with a secure garden and new owners who have had experience in handling nervous and fearful dogs. Once she gains your trust you can take her for a walk and sit with her. Sheila hasn't been introduced to dogs yet; however, the way she interacts with the dogs next to her it looks positive that she enjoys the company of dogs.

Sheila's health is good and is hoping that one day soon, her new family will find her and give her the attention, training and love she desires and needs.

Nothing can be ‘expected’ of Sheila, everything must be taught and earned.

If you would like to adopt Sheila or would like more information then please send us a private message (please include your email address), email colleenatpaws@outlook.com or come to the shelter to meet her.

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