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Shep 2 months after he came to PAWS



Name: SHEP
M/F: Male
DoB: Oct 2015
Adult size: Large
Admitted to PAWS: Oct 2020

Shoulder height:       approx. 54 cm
Height to the head:   approx. 64 cm
Length:                      approx. 90 cm

Shep's story Pt 1:

We got a call to say that a dying dog had been found and asking if we could help. We drove there immediately and found Shep lying there, in dreadful condition and totally neglected. From just looking at him it was obvious that he was sick from leishmaniasis. It took a while to get him on his feet and it immediately became apparent that he was little more than a skeleton and possibly out to be put out of his misery. However, we rushed him to the vet and had the usual blood tests done to see how much his organs were already affected by disease. Surprisingly, the results showed that he actually looked far worse than he was. His organs were in good condition, he just looked dreadful. Naturally, we decided: that he deserved a chance.

As the days went by, Shep realised that he was now with good people who wanted to help him and his trust in people grew. He gradually gained more confidence and is now happy to see anyone who cares to visit him. He loves walks more than anything and his transformation from a dying dog to the handsome, strong boy he is today is quite incredible.  He is on the relevant medication and food and has responded brilliantly. Only his blood test shows the disease, not his body.  All he needs now is a family to give him what he never had before – love, care and attention.

Shep's story Pt 2:

Shep gained more and more trust in people and became totally happy with everyone. His transformation from a dying dog to a beautiful, strong male is amazing. Then the best thing ever happened - a couple visited the shelter and chose to adopt not only Shep but also a young Rottweiler puppy to keep him company.  Probably for the first in his life he found a home and family.

Shep's story Pt 3:

Fast forward 6 months and the unthinkable happened - Shep and Demi were returned to the shelter. Not their fault in any way, shape or form; ALL down to people.  We don't know quite what the true story is because there have been variations on a theme but the bottom line is that poor old Shep needs a new home. He can't understand why he is back in the shelter and he is showing signs of stress.He badly needs calm, caring humans to adopt him - loud voices and shouting seem to upset him,  so he would need handling with kindness.

Shep is a big, strong, handsome dog who loves human company. He loves walks more than anything, is great on the lead, doesn't pull, and seems to know some basic commands. All in all he is a great dog who just wants the right family to adopt him and love him forever.

If you could makes SHEP's dream come true or would like more information then please send us a private message (including your email address), call us on (+357) 99683775, email colleenatpaws@outlook.com or come to the shelter to meet him.

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