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Name: TED
M/F: Male
DoB: August 2020
Adult size: Medium
Admitted to PAWS: August 2021

Shoulder height: approx. 48 cm
Height to head: approx. 58 cm
Length: approx. 60 cm
Ted was found wandering around a complex and it took quite a while before people enticed him into an area where he could be contained and caught. He is a very active boy is rarely still, which is probably the reason he is a little underweight - he walks and runs off the food he eats. We are gradually getting some flesh on his bones by feeding him high energy food twice a day. Unfortunately, he is not entirely happy to be in PAWS and so stress levels play their part in his overall condition. Once in a home of their own, these dogs tend to calm down and flourish. He craves human contact and when we go into his pen or take him for a walk, he immediately becomes calmer. Ted would love it if he was adopted into his own home with people have the patience to teach him what he needs to know and spend time with him.
What volunteers have to say about Ted:
'Ted is the most affectionate boy, he plays well with his friend Bruna, loves his walks and to play ball .He would make a very loyal companion
'Ted is a wonderful boy, playful and affectionate.'
If you are interested in Ted and would like to find out more about her, please email colleenatpaws@outlook.com, or send PAWS Dog Shelter, Paphos, Cyprus a private message (please include your email address in the message), or come to the shelter to see him.

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